Quickbooks Desktop Integration
Quickbooks Desktop Integration
- For Quickbooks Desktop, Alpine integrates via the "Quickbooks Desktop Web Connector", basically an application that runs on the same computer as Quickbooks Desktop, that connects to Alpine to "download" any "commands/requests" that are ready. It's manually run/synced from the web connector, so it's not automatic (they press a single button "Sync")
- This means, on Alpine, the "command" we send Quickbooks Desktop is to "create X journal entries based on the additional data we give you" upon request
- The current configuration is "batch mode", which creates Journal Entries for each "combination" of debit/credit accounts (Alpine Campaigns)
- See this sample spreadsheet for an example of how Alpine Actions get batched together
- Within each batch Journal Entry is a link to Alpine on which individual Actions comprises that one Journal Entry
- If any transactional Alpine Action is missing either (or both) GL Campaigns (it needs exactly one Credit GL Code, and one Debit GL Code), the sync will fail, and it'll tell the user that they need to fix the problematic Alpine Actions before syncing
- There exists auto-mapping (similar to Smart Automation) that can add GL Codes based on whatever criteria they want, e.g. payment method, membership vs. donation, etc.